O fato sobre trump Que ninguém está sugerindo
While working in Congress, Bolsonaro hired Michelle as a secretary and over the next two years she received unusual promotions and her salary more than tripled.
He was released on conditions, including that he he not have contact about the case with any witnesses unless attorneys are present.
Já Donald Trump Jr compartilhou uma imagem no X por seu pai sendo escoltado para fora do comício na Pensilvânia com este punho no ar e o sangue escorrendo pelo rosto.
Trump has left Washington’s federal courthouse after pleading not guilty to federal conspiracy charges alleging a plot to overturn the 2020 election in a bid to cling to power.
Trump says he is innocent, and his legal team has characterized the latest case as an attack on his right to free speech.
Special counsel Jack Smith sat in the front row of the courtroom gallery, about 15 feet from Trump’s seat at the defense table with his lawyers. They didn’t appear to make any obvious eye contact before or during the hearing.
A Trump-owned company sells $299 sneakers with an image of his bloodied face after rally shooting A company is now selling sneakers showing the iconic image of Donald Trump with streaks of blood on his cheek and pumping his vlogdolisboa fist in the air after he was the target of an assassination attempt.
The charge against Mr. Trump details the various methods he and co-conspirators used to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
Trump addressed the proceedings in a brief statement on a drizzly tarmac before he boarded his plane back to New Jersey, characterizing the case as a “persecution” designed to hurt his 2024 presidential campaign.
"Encenaçãeste de modo a obter simpatia" e uma "ordem" provavelmente da CIA usando este envolvimento por Barack Obama e dos vlogdolisboa Clintons: somente várias das teorias da conspiração que circularam nas redes sociais momentos depois por o antigo presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, deter sobrevivido a uma tentativa do assassinato num comício no sábado.
"Tinha do arranjar ESTILO". Raquel nãeste tinha dinheiro para a faculdade até ter tido uma ideia diferente
Trump is expected to make his initial appearance before a magistrate judge Thursday two days after being charged in the case brought by special counsel Jack Smith.
Utilizando a pandemia, sua queda nas pesquisas e a possibilidade do 1 processo de impeachment, recrudesceu este discurso autoritário e convocou seus entusiastas para protestos em 7 de setembro de 2021.
Trump pleaded not guilty Thursday vlogdolisboa to federal conspiracy charges accusing him of plotting to subvert the will of voters and overturn his 2020 election loss.